
ne 讓我吃一種羊奶酪goat cheese歐我的天阿,整個都是山羊味!好腥喔!加上餅乾免強入口。後來一起去買冰淇淋,American people always love ice cream, even in winter...還有專賣冰淇淋的商店更誇張店裡還提供得來速!真是開了眼界。另外美國人真的很守規矩,不僅公車開得慢,開車的人也很禮讓行人,絕對是讓行人先過馬路,兩車相遇也一定會互相停下示意再行,跟台灣很不一樣的文化。

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Today, Francine didn't come home to eat dinner with us, I think she was stuck in busy government. I ate a beefburger, because my roommate CAN'T eat ham. After dinner, when Nathan was washing dishes(what a nice boy!), I tried to chat with him. Unexpectedly, we talked to each other a lot, and had fun. He will be a good friend to me.

dinner: beefburger with mayonnaise

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Today, in the beginning I planned to play soccer with Nathan, but I got headache and didn't go with him. All the "MAYBE"s become nothing. So I drink a mug of green tea and renew my blog...

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Maybe I will go outside tomorrow morning. Maybe I will play soccer with Nathan tomorrow night. Maybe...I will ride a bike to look around...
I have had a long time not to play soocer. Unexpectedly, this time I will play soccer in "rice country."

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Today is a raining day. The wind and raindrops washed my face, so I put up the umbrella brought from Taiwan, and walked on street in Oakland. I looked around in University of Pittsburgh, and opened a new account and T-mobile cellphone number.

This is Cathedral of Learning, one of building of University of Pittsburgh in Oakland. All the foreign students must attend the ELI program in here.

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Today, my tongue seems to be tied a kont, every words from my mouth are unclear. But I have a nice chat with Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon. Animals, building, typhoons, family, schools, whatever we can talk to each other in english. Have a good evening, right!
I'm tired. tomorrow, I will go outside to ride the bus to Oakland next to Pittsburgh. Wish I have a nice day...

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It's a boring day. I woke up at 4 a.m. and went back to sleep at 7 a.m.. I slept all day long until Francine woke me up, told me I could eat dinner together.
Francine is a Italian, she love Pasta and garlic bread. These are dinner tonight. It's delicious. BUT my roommate have an unpleasant smell. He let me feel disgusting. Just like Mazeran, the warden of Impel Down in one piece. His ability of devil fruit is poison. He is strong but suffers from diarrhea all day, because his poison devil fruit...My roommate let me have diarrhea...
And an interesting thing is Nikon, a camera brand. American say ['naikan], we say [ni'kon-]. Itls interesting!

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I woke up early today. I make a phone call to my dear mom for talling what I was doing. When I woke up in American, I felt strange. I can't believe that I am HERE, American. Everything look like STRANGE.
I woke up early, but I was tired. And after I talked with my family and firends on MSN, I went back to sleep, I slept well.
At 4 p.m. Francine woke me up, said she was very sorry that they didn't tell me they must be working today, and we had a happy conversation with some food together.

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天 早上七點,有點累,但很有趣。從台灣在飛機上看了很多台 灣臉孔,到美國只剩我一個台灣臉孔...臉都抬不起來了...
在Minneapolis STPA下飛機是第一個美國境內飛機,visitors要填兩種單子,一種是海關申報單,另一種是入出境管理單,上面要填美國住址,住址在email裡,不知道怎麼填,整個就要措賽了...還不能打電話求救,所有電子產品一律turn off,整個只好寫學校的地址,入出境單還欺負長住址,就隨便給他填一下,很意外的順利過了...(汗),害我一直在重寫單子花了超多時間而只能排在後面,轉機的時間都快用完了,整個就是很緊張...後來班機誤點延後半小時雖然解決了時間問題而變成在候機室發呆...我只能說出國真的很簡單...要過海關比較難,但是有萬全準備就不用多緊張了...美國人真的很nice,在往pit的飛機上有一對夫婦就有跟我聊天,homestay的Mark和francine也都很nice啦!pittsburgh真的很漂亮,有三條河穿過,也有很多橋,樹很多,河旁邊就是山丘,Francine說有鹿會出現,不過我還沒看過,我是住在Morrisville一個很漂亮的社區。另外美國的pizza很鹹,不過很大,根本就是老美的king size。 好累隨便打沒有順序。

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就剩這幾天,家人總是比我更擔心出國的事情,這真是讓我大 為光火。雖然我捨不得我已經熟悉的環境,熟識的朋友,離 開這些熟悉的事物總是令人不安,但信念引領我面對挑戰, 而不能再躲在家庭的保護傘下,安穩地接受永遠的原諒、太多的 呵護與承擔不起的期待。

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