
I woke up early today. I make a phone call to my dear mom for talling what I was doing. When I woke up in American, I felt strange. I can't believe that I am HERE, American. Everything look like STRANGE.
I woke up early, but I was tired. And after I talked with my family and firends on MSN, I went back to sleep, I slept well.
At 4 p.m. Francine woke me up, said she was very sorry that they didn't tell me they must be working today, and we had a happy conversation with some food together.
At 6p.m. we went outside for dinner. I ordered medium steak and some vaggies, french fries. But steak was too salt.
when finished the supper, they showed me around the Murrisville. It's really a pretty place.
Now It's 8 p.m. I write this and wish everybody I love in Taiwan have a good day.
These photos was took by me in my room.



一早 起床真的有身在何方的不安感,什麼都感到奇怪。
雖然今天起得很早但是其實很累,和家人聊了一下也和很多同 學聊天(大家剛好都下班沒事幹...),12點過後大家 都跑去睡了,所以我也就沒人聊天只好再回去睡大懶覺了...
下午四點,home媽叫我起床,她說:很不好意思沒跟我說 他們要工作,沒辦法幫我準備早餐(其實並不會很餓,只是 很累),她不好意思吵醒我。之後她示範一些美國簡單的早 餐給我看,然後和我一起吃一邊聊天,問了許多問題,還提了 lady gaga。
home媽問我六點要不要跟他們一起出去吃飯,我有答應, 但時其實答應後超挫的,哈,去了一家有歷史的餐館,問我 喜歡什麼建議我吃一些,這時候我才知道以前上英文課教點牛排 的時候要多熟的點法是可以用的XD
用完餐他們幫我的阿拉伯室友買晚餐回去,順便帶我晃了一下 Murrisville,跟我說哪有超市、餐館之類。這真的 是個很棒的地方!
    創作者 Mars 的頭像


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