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...夢想是 伸出手 就可以 握住的事

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


雖然來了一個月,但也不知道英文到底有沒有進步,好洩氣阿! 日子就要這樣繼續下去了!


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嗯!來到米國已經滿一個月嘍!習慣了起床的時間,熟悉了上課的模式,不再擔心坐公車,不怕跟陌生人交談(好啦!我 還是會怕跟陌生人交談!哈!除非是必要性的我就一點都不緊 張,像是銀行或是餐廳)。 

好久不見了大家!雖然你們都在想著你們的男/女朋友,煩惱 著你們的工作,偶爾(其實你們根本是按錯了,不是要跟我 聊天,結果不好意思就跟我聊個兩三句)會在msn上敲敲 我,真是太感動了!我懷念台灣的鳥聲,和女生...阿不對是 雨聲,雨滴聲!梅雨季節快樂!

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

TGIF! Thanks godness it's friday, a happy ending of this week.

I said I met a problem before. Today, I told to Tracia, my listening teacher, I felt difficult about listening calss. She told me "It's a beginning. Don't worry" and she told me a story.When she studied in French, she almost didn't know what they said. She felt frustrated. However, she known what they said on one day.( just like when Conan discover the criminals, the light goes through behind his head.) Maybe I should try my best to wait for the day.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

歐好累!聽力怎麼變得暴難!很多單字聽不懂,讓原本只能聽7x%的我更是雪上加霜了。除了聽力真是折磨之外,其他的課 都能好好的享受...

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Although I solved a problem on Tuesday, I got another problem immediately. Alas!
However I have came here, I have to struggle for my own life! Crossing half earth is for catching a dream, not learning to eavding.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's still light at 8:30 p.m..

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真不曉得每天寫三小時的作業到底是我太笨還是作業太多,寫 到我的pisiform(豆狀骨,小拇指側,腕關節和手 掌交接處摸起來最突的一點)又痛起來了,是周遭肌腱的滑 液囊炎嗎?還是更複雜的組織整體發炎勒?總之只要extension 就會好痛好痛好痛...

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Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Boo~~~~suck Iron Man 2. Jonny Depp's version of Alice in Wonderland is more better than you! I'm disappointed about script of Iron Man 2, but Robert Downey Jr. still perform well.
In Alice in Wonderland, I'm surprised at Anne Hathaway played White Queen. Althought doesn't have a lot of scenes, she can perform the White Queen's character wonderfully.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Damn it! I got the chance of impromptu presentation on Monday! Damn!
I have a special lunch experience today. It's a Mexican food! Loving it, but expensive.
There is a Mexican resturant, called Chipotle. It has a funny slogan: life is burritoful, just likes "life is beautiful." Burrito means Mexican meat that can be wrapped. I guess "life is burritoful" means eating burrito is satisfaction in life.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is not bad, except for impromptu presentation in speaking class! After sleepy Wednesday, as like as routine living, I got up at 7.a.m.. The weather was bad at dawn, just like being sick of school, however it became better at noon. I was happy to eat chicken noodles in Chinese resturant, but I felt frustrated in speaking class.

The impromptu presentation is about oil spill in gulf of Mexico. What the hell! First, each student has one and half minutes to think about that you want to describe. The next,three students in a group, each student has three-minute presentation by turns. Finally, listeners have to give speaker feedbacks. Oh my..., It's terrible.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


內 還是可以穿著短褲啪啪走。這麼冷的天氣真是沒啥心情作任 何事,提不起勁!睡了很久也沒辦法滿足瞌睡蟲的要求。吃 了晚餐還是得坐在書桌前乖乖寫作業,整個弄完還是花了兩 三小時,大學時也沒花這麼多時間在書桌前,真是慚愧...明 天又是上課天!

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is cold enough! Althought I was reluctant to get up early, I have to ride bus at 7:30 a.m.. Therefore, I bore shivering body, and prepared to go to school. This is my concept to be a good student.
When I got into classroom, I was too tired to acknowledge Tim. Untill lunchtime, I became better. I ate lamb curry to fill my stomach; furthermore, eliminating all my tiredness.
It's still a good day, even I was nervous for presentation in speaking class today.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I got Monday sick! I slept on bus, studied in classes, uh-hum, It's all...
My grammar and speaking teacher, Chris always likes to ask me questions unexpectedly..., and I always answer unexpectedly...but, she is a good teacher.
I did my homework after being home. It takes me 3 hours, oh my...I think all students are reluctant to do their homework, but they should, and they will do!

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Let's go Bucs! Let's go Bucs! All people around stadium yelled together! BUT! suck pirates! you are loser! They lost to St. Louis Cardinals, 11-4. At first, their pitch lost too much, so at later innings, they couldn't get goals back. One man yelled on top floor: I still believe. Then they lost that game.....ha. Pirates have stagnated since 1979, Nobody cares about their losing or winning. They care Pittsburgh Penguins (ice hocky) and Steelers (football).
Although they lost the game, I still have a great day, today. The Gibbons(grandparents and parents) and me had an exciting baseball game and happy dinner in Taipei-Tokyo resturant. I ate scallops, jumbo shrimps, and lobster meat with mushroom (called seafood mongolian, I thought it doesn't make sense).I have a nice day.
And Happy Mother's Day, Mom, I love you so much.

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Great Saturday! I didn't get up early, and slept well. Eating breakfast slowly, walking slowly, moving slowly...and back to sleep slowly. (How the slowly you are!).
After getting up at 5 p.m., I did some homework.....slowly.....

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

而今天是星期五,所以有TGIF (Thanks Goodness It's Friday)代表一週的結束,我們去pub吃東西喝飲料,學生和老師一起聊天打哈哈,也是認識更多同學的機會

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today, Rob, an ESL teacher and many students graduated from ESL program guided us to downtown Pittsburgh. All the things are new, we were excited.

We walked around Mulberry Way and had fun. Then, walked to downtown. We saw the PNC park,home of the Pittsburgh Pirates (baseball), PNC broadway (Benedum Center), Point State Park, and many bridges. Rob said in Pittsburgh, there are many bridges (440 bridges by googled), even more than Italy or Venice. And some students said bridges in Venice(400 bridges by googled) are more than Pittsburgh, but Rob said there are more small "bridges" , actually, people shouldn't call those "bridges." Haha! funny!

Mars 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

能力分級後的上課計畫出爐了,去書店買了上課需要的書,雖然是二手書(used)但是還是貴的嚇人,買了六本就175.2 元!買書的感覺很像哈利波特裡自己買書的情景, 很有學生的感覺,只是都有一堆外國學生擠在櫃子前講著自 己的方言,然後又很大聲...實在是破壞了這書店的氣氛。

在美國不知不覺地就變得更獨立了,自己搭公車(在台灣讀書 大家都有機車,誰要搭公車),有問題、要幫忙根本不會在 意顏面很自然的會去問人,這就是所謂的成長吧!(停滯不前才 會讓自己覺得不知道自己到底在幹麼。)

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